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Horoscopes – September 2024

Aries (March 21 – April 19): This month is going to motivate most Aries to make positive changes in their everyday life that will drastically affect their health and wellness! With the transit North node in 6° Aries all month, this Virgo-ruled degree will cause many Aries to reflect on the past few months and redirect their energy into finding ways to improve their health by improving their daily habits. For many Aries who feel resistant to change their habits for the better – the full moon on the 17th will help motivate you by making drastic changes that lead to undeniable awareness, and in some cases, this wake-up call has been a long time coming. My advice to you this month is to get a jumpstart on making positive changes by the new moon on the 2nd to help use the healing energy this month to your advantage. Don’t dwell on waiting for the right time to make better choices, that time is now!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): This month is going to bring forth a more frugal side to Taurus, especially when it comes to how they spend their money and time! With the full moon on the 17th highlighting this energy by transit Mercury in a Taurus degree, yet falling in the sign Virgo – this month Tauruses may find themselves feeling more stubborn than normal. My advice to you is to use the natural uplift in intuition from the new moon on the 2nd to determine what’s worthy of your time and money this month without allowing your ego to overcome this decision for you. The themes this month are meant to show you how much partnerships, and those in your life, truly make an effect on your energy and finances. This lesson is best learned with a clear view of the circumstances at hand. Don’t let your emotions or ego overtake your perspective, but make sure to be true to yourself about what you need now!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): This month is going to have you feeling busier than normal with work and responsibilities! With the transit Jupiter on the full moon in conjunction with your sun sign, yet falling in a Capricorn-ruled degree, this shows that the energy for Gemini this month will prove difficult to maintain your current work/life balance. The changes starting on the new moon in Virgo on the 2nd will test you to ensure that you have all of the details that may have been neglected over the past few months addressed. If not, these details will come back to haunt you with a vengeance! My advice to you is to make sure that you have not pushed your responsibilities, and/or health to the back burner for the benefit of your job. This is exactly what will need to be addressed by October, and if not this outdated mentality could easily lead to a massive burnout or physical sickness to force you to slow down and reevaluate your current choices. No amount of money or recognition is worth your health and happiness!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): This month is going to try your patience with family and love matters! With the month starting with Venus and Saturn both in Cancer-ruled degrees – this will highlight a requirement for hard work and positive growth, especially with the relationships that you encounter daily. A serious highlight for cancer will fall on the full moon and partial lunar eclipse on the 17th when Mars will transit in conjunction with your sun sign while highlighting relationships/partnerships with Mars falling in 7°. This energy will cause much pushback for change that’s been necessary for positive growth in these areas. My advice to you is to be honest with yourself this month and don’t ignore the changes that must be facilitated within your inner circle to officially move into this next chapter. Some cancers may feel like they are being put in the position of being the “villain” but that’s the farthest from the truth. These changes that come from finally putting your foot down will help you gain the respect you rightfully deserve!

Leo (July 23 – August 22): This month will feel like a purge of excess emotion left over from the summer and officially allow Leos to move forward into a more mature era! With the starting transit moon in 29° Leo, this critical Leo energy will affect Leo’s emotional state by acting as a catalyst for allowing themselves to let go of the expectations they’ve held themselves to for the last 3 months. My advice to you as the month progresses is to enjoy each day as much as you can! After a hectic summer filled with some of the best and worst moments of the year, it’s time to allow yourself to feel proud of your accomplishments. By the end of the month, your overwhelming professional success will allow you to see how much you’ve truly blossomed into this more mature, and responsible version of yourself. Give yourself a break, and be proud of your progress!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22):  This month is going to cause you to feel more irritable than usual! With the overwhelming amount of energy transiting in your sun sign – from the period of the new moon in Virgo on the 2nd to the full moon and partial lunar eclipse on the 17th, you will see your life completely transform. The main areas of transformation will affect your level of monetary income, and patience, and finally end with a complete overhaul of how you currently handle people’s level of access to you. My advice to you this month is to stay as level-headed as possible throughout the period mentioned above and observe everything you’re thrown into. Hidden within the crowds of detail is the secret to how you can finally master your power and shift into the leader you were always meant to become. The catch here is that for you to live up to the expectations you hold yourself to, you must release tensions and insecurity that no longer serve your best interest. This month is going to show you exactly what you’ve been overlooking to feel more empowered within your own life so make sure you keep your eyes open to what the universe is trying to tell you!

Libra (September 23 – October 22): This month is going to have most libras caught up in serious introspection to finally purge themselves of some bad habits that lead to insecurity and stifle their growth. With the starting transition Venus in conjunction with their sun sign this is highlighting libra’s desire to tap into their softer side, and as we approach the full moon, Venus will still be in conjunction with your sun sign but it will have moved into an Aquarius ruled degree; this will aid them in finding new ways to tackle old problems that have been holding them back. My advice to you is to use the period from the 1st to the 24th of the month to focus on the positive things about themselves. Insecurity and doubt is what the universe needs you to let go of now to finally embody your divine feminine energy and tackle those pesky emotions that hold you back from success. Learn the difference between being a pushover and choosing your battles!

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): This month is going to wake you up to your shadow side and help you see what needs to be improved to unleash a more primal, unapologetic version of yourself! With a massive amount of supporting energy in transit this month – you could easily find yourself full of nervous energy awaiting drastic changes coming next month. After the full moon on the 17th, this eager energy will spill into your love matters and cause a fun rebellion that could lead to changes in your attitude towards sex and alone time with your significant other! The last day of September will have transit Venus in a critical conjunction with your sun sign which will cause a jolt of this primal sexual energy that will be brought over into October. My advice to you is to allow yourself to feel empowered in being a more primal, authentic version of yourself while being safe in your sexual encounters at this time. It’s time you start gathering more confidence in yourself because the truth is: that the best is yet to come!

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): This month is going to highlight healing energy when it comes to your perception of relationships and what you provide in your interpersonal relationships at this time! With most of the transit energy before the full moon aiding in your ability to delay the inevitable awareness that will come with the raw truth later in the month, you may find yourself dwelling on old issues, or caught up in old ideologies about who you are and what you provide. Once we pass the full moon however, the veil will be lifted from your sight and you will be faced with the truth of what kind of partner you really are. Don’t let this scare you! In most cases this truth will come with a sense of relief for Sagittarius. My advice to you this month is to try and dig into the emotions or mistakes that haunt you from your past before the full moon so once you are hit with this truth it’s easier to fully digest the lessons being left for you to learn now. This is not the time for black and white thinking, in fact those who get caught up in extremist perspectives may be humbled by the truth once we pass the full moon. In most cases the truth is a variety of gray. It’s time to let go of the thought patterns that no longer serve you or your relationships now!

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Prepare for a major financial glow-up! With the transits this month in complete support of Capricorn’s professional abilities – its conjunction with Pluto in critical Leo degree will cause Capricorn’s ability to influence to dramatically expand throughout the month! In most cases this will cause a serious level-up for any professional matters Capricorn is actively investing in at this time. This month, I advise you to take every professional opportunity given to you, and if any Capricorns have been debating if they should take a big professional risk; this is a great month for a huge financial payoff! Job promotions, increases in income potential, new jobs with higher levels of influence are all possible this month. Get ready to get recognition as the boss you’ve always known you were!

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): This month is going to cause a series of minor setbacks for Aquarius, especially at the beginning of the month! On the new moon on the 2nd of the month in an Aquarius ruled degree, but falling in the sign Virgo; these setbacks could be as simple as overlooked details or just feeling more physically rundown than usual. Either way, these issues will leave as quickly as they came in and leave behind an understanding of what they could do better moving forward, to avoid similar mishaps like this again. My advice to you is to take it easy the first week of September and allow yourself more time than usual for self-care. By the period after the full moon on the 17th things will seem to naturally slow down professionally however you may find yourself preparing ahead for due tasks in October. Allow yourself to read into what you need during this month to feel like you’re showing up as your best self every day. This isn’t the month to put extra stuff on your plate, it’s time to take your time handling what you have now and delegating any excess to those you trust can handle it with poise!

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): This month is going to dramatically improve your current experience in your daily life! With the excess of favorable planetary energy in transit this month, most of what you end up experiencing will be directly tied to what you’ve dreamt about for a long time. With your ruling planet joined with Saturn in retrograde in conjunction with your sun sign – this has given you special insight into what areas you’ve needed to work on expanding and learning at this time, while on the full moon and partial lunar eclipse the moon will land as part of that conjunction. This will lend a hand in giving you some of the most desirable energy for manifestation and changes that you’ve had all year! My advice to you this month is to use the energy on the full moon on the 17th to physically and spiritually bring yourself into the energy you want to expand on at this time. Travel, furthering education, and spending time with family – are all favorable this month and will be repaid greatly with Saturn’s blessings of long-term financial and spiritual stability. It’s time to officially move into your role as a healer and any selfless acts of love and forgiveness this month will be rewarded tenfold!

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