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Horoscopes – December 2024

Aries (March 21-April 19): This month is going to bring forth massive transformation for Aries! With the North Node still transiting in conjunction with your Sun sign, and starting the month off in the family oriented 4°; this will bring up a lot of changes in terms of family values, and redefine what family means to you. As the North node continues to retrograde throughout the month, Aries will go through a total of 4 phases; redefining family values, communicating these changes, implementing
changes that align with new values, and finally all of these changes being undeniably on the
surface. My advice to you this month is to listen to your heart, and follow your intuition. This
combination will help ensure you end up exactly where you feel most guided to be, and ensure
you become the person you’re supposed to be to help you navigate the hard waters found
within the new year. It’s time to take on the challenge!

Taurus (April 20-May 20): This month is going to start off with massive epiphanies! With Uranus still in conjunction with your Sun sign and starting off in the intuitive 24°, this will bring forth a knowing so accurate that it will rival any intuition you’ve had prior. Some themes to keep an eye out for are changes in children’s behaviors, acts of rebellion that a lesser evolved version of you can relate to,
opportunities to increase monetary income by enhancing your knowledge in a certain area, and
mental health changes in the people closest to you. My advice to you this month is to be of
service to others, and use this enhancement in knowledge and knack for intuition to help those
who may not see what is clearly in front of them. Once you find yourself helping those around
you, then you will find these same people being of service to you by mid-late 2025. What goes
around, comes around!

Gemini (May 21-June 21): This month your luck is going to change! With a huge month for emotional shifts, paired with Jupiter’s expansive energy – this month is going to change everything for Gemini, especially when it comes to what they are expected to feel and attain moving forward. This final month is going to set up Gemini for a very different year in 2025, with the most change being in the area
of love and relationships. My advice to you this month is to start finding more love within
yourself and realigning your priorities with what you’re ready to attain instead of focusing your
energy on what has been lost over the years prior. With Pluto’s shift into Aquarius, you’re
entering an era unlike anything you’ve ever seen before! Any love lost, and any hearts broken in
the past will prove to be stepping stones to get you to where you will be by the end of 2025. This month is simply beginning that cycle, so get ready to experience a love like you’ve never
experienced before!

Cancer (June 22-July 22): This month is going to push you to finally set the boundaries you’ve needed to get the life you’ve always wanted! With many planetary oppositions aspecting your Sun sign this month, you may feel like the world around you is changing so quickly and drastically; leaving you
feeling left behind. This energetic change is happening now to prepare you for what’s yet to
come in 2025, which is a complete shift in priorities, and massive changes in daily life! My
advice to you this month is to use the new moon in Capricorn on the 31st to lay down the law on
what you are willing to sacrifice for and what’s not a priority for you. Cancer’s have been in a
self sacrificial period for far too long, and the plutonic shift into Aquarius is going to help
jumpstart one of the luckiest periods for you. Let others cater to you for once – because once we
hit the new year, the changes in 2025 will make your current lifestyle completely unsustainable.
Set the boundaries now and keep to your word!

Leo (July 23-August 22): This month is going to come with massive physical changes, and some possible financial mishaps! With Pluto’s opposition to your Sun sign, and Mars starting her retrograde in conjunction with your sun sign; tempers will be running high, and you may have a few financial
oversights that come back to bite you. Don’t fixate on this too much however, since 2025 has so
many changes in store for Leo that will help put you ahead in these areas in terms of long-term
sustainability. My advice to you this month is to try and be understanding to others emotional
upsets, instead of putting yourself in the focus. This self-sacrificial energy will not be something
Leo can maintain, however it will help Leos understand any mishaps happening around them.
Come the new year, 2025 will bring many changes and upgrades in areas of finances, and
friendships. So, don’t worry about any drama brought on this month. It’s only temporary!

Virgo (August 23-September 22): This month is going to be huge in terms of family changes for Virgo! With both Saturn and Neptune in opposition to your Sun sign, the changes happening this month are both karmic and something you will have been able to see coming. Nothing will come by surprise! My advice to you this month is to keep to yourself if you don’t feel that your energy or influence is being appreciated. The best plan of action for Virgo this month is to put all of their energy back into themselves and create the life they always wanted for themselves. Now is not the time to
sacrifice yourself for others, or to put yourself out there for family who may not want you around.
Take these lessons and find a way to better yourself and your personal situation so you can
grow from the hardships you’ve experienced in 2024. In 2025, many changes will be coming for
Virgo and can sometimes feel like it’s challenging an already difficult situation. This energy is not
meant to end your luck, instead it’s meant to help you rediscover power within yourself you
thought was long lost. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for!

Libra (September 23-October 23): This month is going to help rebalance lost harmony within your life! With the asteroid
Vesta in conjunction with your sun sign – this is going to enhance your softer side, making you
less likely to put up with drama or people who have already betrayed you in the past. By the end
of the month you will have fully embraced this new balancing act of finding a middle ground
between being cold and people pleasing. These changes will only enhance over the next 18
years of Pluto transiting in fellow air sign, Aquarius. My advice to you this month is to prioritize
the people and things that matter the most to maintain your personal peace, and leave the rest
in the past where it belongs. If it’s meant for you, it will come to you without conditions!

Scorpio (October 24-November 24): This month is going to switch up what you thought you knew, which may have you feeling nostalgic about the past. Let me be clear from the beginning, this nostalgia is not due to missing the past lifestyle you had, instead it’s more of missing the person you were before
losing hope in the bigger picture of a better world in the future. The best advice I can give you
this month is to remind you that these fears are simply feelings, and not an undeniable fact. For
Scorpio in 2025, huge changes in understanding personal power are inevitable. So, that means
in a way the best is still yet to come! Whether it may feel that way right now or not. By the new
moon in Capricorn on the 31st you will start to feel an increase in anxiety of what’s coming for
the collective in the new year. My advice to you is to understand that it’s not your job to save
everyone, only yourself. Make sure you have solid goals for the new year and vocalize them to
those you trust before the year’s end. This will help you feel understood moving forward, and
give you faith in what’s yet to come. Keep your head clear, and your eyes peeled as we move
into the new year!

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21): This month is going to open your eyes to what you’ve been overlooking in both your own behavior and the people you’ve been surrounding yourself with. With the month starting off with a new moon in Sagittarius, then ending on the 31st with a new moon in Capricorn; this month is going to be the eye opener you’ve needed all year! My best advice to you is to be true to yourself and try to stay as grounded to reality as you possibly can. This will help you coast
through any possible drama that could arise around you this month. With the Mars retrograde
starting this month in a trine to your sun sign, this will increase your need for freedom and
laughter, away from any possible drama. My advice to you this month is to keep your eyes open
to those who are seemingly bringing drama into your life, without reason. These people are
meant to be left in 2024, not brought into the new year. In 2025, many changes will come, which
will enhance your need for loving and trustworthy relationships full of understanding. Any
self-centered people, fueled by drama, will only bring you trouble. Allow yourself to move into a
new era of your life without the need for gossip or drama. You will thank yourself for cutting ties
with those loose ends now, instead of waiting until they end up turning on you in 2025!

Capricorn (December 22-January 19): This month is going to open your eyes to a whole new lifestyle! With Pluto officially moving into Aquarius, and the end of the month falling into a new moon in Capricorn – the last two weeks of the month will be a great example of what changes may come for your lifestyle in 2025. My advice to you this month is to spend New Year’s Eve reevaluating your priorities, and cutting down time at work where you deserve a break. It’s not your job to take care of everyone around you financially. In fact, you may come to an epiphany that you’ve been doing more than you’ve really wanted to do out of love. In 2025, it will be time for you to officially shift into the
slower pace you’ve desired for so long. Any financial burdens that may arise during this slow
down can be worked through logically, as long as those around you are willing to work with
these adjustments. Anyone unwilling to give you the slower pace you’ve desired is abusing your
kindness. 2025 will bring some much needed vacation time and the slower pace at work you’ve
always deserved, so enjoy!

Aquarius (January 20-February 18): This month is going to increase your sense of urgency for repairing what is wrong with the world, while increasing your desire to help repair the collective! With Pluto’s shift underway in conjunction with your Sun sign, while Venus joins in this energy on the full moon on the 15th; the urgency you’re feeling now for change is only a small portion of what you will feel over the next 18 years. My advice to you is to use this energy to get more involved in giving back to
others. Any work with charities, or selfless behaviors, will only act as an outlet for this excess of
energy. As we move into 2025, this energy will amplify and can easily be used to build a more
sustainable way of giving back to the collective. Any work that involves giving back, will only
help amplify your social status and level of self worth now!

Pisces (February 19-March 20): This month will have you being the reaper of karma and intuitive wake-up calls for those around you now! With Neptune and Saturn both still in conjunction with your sun sign, this will help put the ball in your court when it comes to watching those who’ve wronged you get what’s coming to them. On the 15th during the full moon, you will receive some sort of information that will help you understand the themes coming to you in the new year. My advice to you is to use
this knowledge to empathize with those less fortunate now, instead of simply saying “I told you
so”. This energy will help align you with your higher self and show you what your most powerful
ability really is: your empathy. In 2025, you can expect changes in residence and travel while
maintaining your strong intuitive ability to guide you to exactly where you’re meant to be now.
Don’t look back, because the only direction you’re going is forward!

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