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What The VOICE Looks Like
The VOICE is a visually appealing paper that is one of the top ranked two-year college newspapers in New Jersey. The VOICE has won many awards including 24 state and national awards in the 2017-2018 academic year. The VOICE has taken the top NJ honors for “General Excellence” from the New Jersey Press Association for the last two years in a row.
May 1, 2017 | February 27, 2017 | March 27, 2017 | December 5, 2016 |
About The College VOICE
The College VOICE is the award-winning student newspaper of Mercer County Community College in New Jersey. The VOICE is published monthly during each semester. The VOICE publishes 1,500 copies of each print edition and distributes them at more than 40 locations on two campuses and throughout the Mercer County Public Library system. The online edition averages 350 individual page reads per day and more than 8,000 reads per month.
The VOICE is known for its hyper-local focus and edgy reporting on hard-hitting topics such as campus and local events, hate crimes, mental health and substance abuse, laws and legislation. About our Readers: The average age of an MCCC student is 25 with 56% of the student body being female. Minorities make up 40% of the student body. In a survey conducted by Alloy Media of 1,200 college students at 550 universities, college newspaper readership continues to be strong. Over three quarters (76%) of college students and faculty (76%) have read their college newspaper in the last month, with 73% saying they look at the ads.
Pass along rates are also strong with an average of 3.2 students sharing an issue. About Mercer County Community College: Mercer County Community College is located in central New Jersey, with two campuses, one in downtown Trenton and one in West Windsor. The college has an enrollment of 9,000 full and part-time students. Spring 2015 enrollment numbers were up 1.5% over the previous year, with online and downtown campuses significantly growing their numbers.
Ad Formats
The College VOICE is printed in on 11″ x 17″ tabloid size paper and uses an easy-to-understand modular format for both print and online ads with multiple placement discounts available (contact for more details). All submissions are accepted in digital format via email attachment in either .PDF, .JPG, .PNG or .PSD format with PDF preferred. All insertion orders and ads must be received no less than one week before date of publication.
The Fine Print
Advertiser must submit ad as an email attachment in .PDF, .PDS or .JPG format at least one week prior to the day it is to appear in print and that if my submission is not sent on time, it may not appear in print and The VOICE will not guarantee a refund of any prepayment.
Further, The VOICE reserves the right to adjust advertising rates with 30 days notice.The VOICE will send tearsheets and invoices to the advertiser to confirm that an ad has appeared in print. Adjustments for material errors or omissions will be made at the discretion of the advertising manager and no adjustments will be made unless the error or omission is reported to the advertising manager within two weeks of receipt of tearsheets. Liability for adjustments is limited to the cost of the advertisement. The College VOICE is not liable for printer error.
Advertiser understands The VOICE has the right to refuse any advertisements for reasons of taste, suitability for its readership or if there are significant concerns about the business practices of the advertising entity. In such cases, the advertiser will be notified of the refusal at least one week prior to the publication date selected and will not be charged.
Advertiser assumes all liability for any ad placed in The VOICE and agrees to hold The VOICE and its agents harmless for the content of all advertising authorized for publication, including any photograph, likeness, name, logo, trademark, representation or any other material the advertiser provides. By placing an ad in The VOICE, the advertiser understands that they are purchasing space and circulation only. All artwork and typesetting produced by The College VOICE becomes the newspaper’s property. Advertiser understands that they are obliged to follow these policies and all other advertising policies as outlined in the VOICE’s policy manual: