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Horoscopes – October 2024

Aries (March 21 – April 19): This month will wake you to new emotions! With the full moon on October 17th putting Aries’ emotional state in the spotlight, there is a huge chance this month for emotional breakthroughs. My advice to you this month is to ensure you keep your temper in check while leaning into learning more patience with others, this will be the best perspective you could have going into the energy of the full moon that will push your emotional buttons. After the full moon, you will find yourself feeling more positive feelings and spending time with loved ones much easier than before the full moon. Let the lead-up to the full moon allow you to learn patience with your emotions and how to control your temper when others’ opinions can seem to interfere with how you’re feeling!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): This month is going to push you to explore a new area of your love life or love style while embracing spontaneity! With your ruling planet starting in Scorpio and ending the month in Sagittarius, new experiences and/or travel are very possible. My advice to you this month is to embrace your wild side this month, and allow these changes to fuel your sexual identity! Once Jupiter goes into retrograde in Gemini on the 9th of the month, this will push a communicative aspect to achieve some of the goals you may have involving travel or a relationship. Don’t view this as a red light! Instead, view this as an opportunity to be honest with who you are and what you’re hoping to experience now. The right people will be eager to please so don’t worry!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): This month is going to push communication for opportunities to achieve success now! With Jupiter going into retrograde this month on October 9th, in conjunction with your sun sign, this leaves many opportunities for misunderstandings if you choose your words with haste now, so make sure you’re thinking through all of the steps necessary to chase after the things you want to accomplish now. My advice to you is to ensure you mean everything you say this month and ensure you back up your words with action this month to avoid emotional mishaps with loved ones. This month can easily lead to new levels of depth and success with interpersonal relationships. Allow yourself to achieve the success you have been working towards for years. Don’t mess up your progress now by speaking harshly or saying things you don’t mean!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): This month is going to embody the cycles of the moon for most cancers! With the annual solar eclipse on the new moon in Libra on October 2nd, this month will put a focus on your desire for the finer things in life. My advice to you is to choose your battles while attempting to flow through the rough waves of emotion throughout the month. By the end of the month the moon will fall into Libra for the first time since the new moon and will end the cycle of emotion you’re meant to experience. This ease in intensity will bring gifts for cancers who choose to float through obstacles and emotive hassles instead of bulldozing ahead and demanding leadership at this time. Instead, this time is meant to show your softer side and allow your natural feminine leadership qualities to shine. Take a deep breath and enjoy the highs this month has to offer!

Leo (July 23 – August 22): This month is going to come with some surprises that will test your patience! With much of the transits this month in semi-harsh aspects to your sun sign there may be a few surprises hidden around the corner for you now that you didn’t see coming. Many Leos will even be put in situations where they realize a door they felt was slammed shut and locked has reopened with new growth opportunities! My advice to you this month is to take each day one step at a time and don’t try and plan ahead now. This isn’t the month where planning will work in your favor especially considering you will be in for a surprise or two by the time of the month’s end. Embrace these changes ahead for they are new opportunities to grow and understand the person you’re becoming now. Don’t dwell in the past, sprint into the future!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): This month is going to test your patience by placing a serious focus on your health and wellness now! With the moon on the 1st starting in conjunction with your sun sign this shows shadows of emotive trends that will carry you throughout the rest of the month. Many Virgos will feel that they are reliving some version of their past without having the strength of their younger self. The key to success now is to let go of some of the emotional responsibilities you’ve taken on and place that energy back into yourself now. My advice to you is to ensure you don’t move backward into martyrdom. Instead, find inner strength now by creating the peace you deserve. This month can be a huge success and a complete 180° turnaround for you in whatever ways you need to obtain success – it’s completely up to you now. Your life will be a reflection of your actions now, so make the best of it!

Libra (September 23 – October 22): This month is going to put you in the spotlight! With an abundance of intensely favorable aspects to your sun sign this month, you will be shown more love and attention than you’re used to. The new moon on the 2nd will start a domino effect that will end up with you attaining more positive feedback than you’ve had in what may feel like forever! My advice to you is to enjoy the month’s festivities and the abundance of laughter and positivity. Those people who are surrounding themselves with you and showing you gratitude now really want your energy around in the future. This isn’t something that should be shrugged off or ignored by you now; instead, embrace it. You’re attaining the rewards of affection that you’ve laid the groundwork towards for years, so enjoy the great karma this month. You’ve always deserved it!

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): This month is going to amplify your status in every way! From an increase in affection, and money, and a deepening in current love and interpersonal relationships; all areas of your life are about to experience a serious leveling up! My advice to you this month is to enjoy the good karma heading your way and do not self-sabotage with thoughts from your past. The positive changes heading your way now are a complete reflection of your hard work over the past year. You created the reality you’re living in now, so leave the sad or worrisome thoughts in the past where they belong!

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): This month is going to start off showing you a whole new way of life! You’re finally feeling more optimistic and easygoing which are traits of yourself that felt lost for some time. With Jupiter’s retrograde in Gemini starting on October 9th, all words will directly affect your current reality. My advice to you is to maintain your optimism and do not allow doubt to creep in and ruin the potential for happiness now. If you need help in some way, ask for help. If you need space, express that without fear. However, now is not the time to fall back into bad habits and isolate yourself without explanation. You’re surrounded by positivity and success now and this month can truly show you how far you’ve come if you allow it. It’s now or never Sagittarius!

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): This month is going to seem like a rollercoaster of events for you! Between work matters and family events, it may be hard to keep up with all of the tasks you want to get done. My advice to you this month is to slow down and get organized. This could be an amazing time to start writing lists, or rearranging tasks, based on priority level to ensure you get everything you want done. This month can easily be deemed a success in hindsight although that will depend on your stress levels throughout. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious it could be good to outsource for some advice or a helping hand. This is not the month to try and get everything done yourself, especially if that will ultimately lead to burnout! You know yourself better than anyone. Let Saturn’s retrograde bring you the blessings of help now. Let others pick up some of your slack. You have nothing to prove to anyone!

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): This month is going to bring a switch up in scenery that will bring some much-needed freshness into your day-to-day life! With many favorable aspects in transit this month for Aquarius, this month will bring much-needed changes without much effort on your part. My advice to you is to embrace any opportunity for travel and/or a change in perspective now. Having fresh eyes on some old issues will bring forth the enlightenment you desire now. This is not the month for stagnancy, switch it up!

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): This month is going to be a continuation of last month! With an abundance of blessings being handed to you by Saturn’s retrograde, you will continue to reap rewards from the selfless deeds you gave to others over the past year. My advice to you is to continue viewing those around you with open arms and an open heart. Anyone who dares to wish you harm at this time will reap their karma 10x fold. That isn’t something you are meant to dish, just allow the universe to handle this for you now. Continue embracing love and your natural selfless nature, Daddy Saturn has your back. Steamroll ahead and allow space for abundance into your life and it will come!

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